Eligibility & Application

Please select the tab that is relevant to you. All eligibility requirements for each client group will be listed in their respective tabs.

Applying as:


Eligibility requirements:

  • Attending University, College or an Adult Education Centre;
  • Reside in Manitoba, and;
  • Actively attending classes, or two weeks away from start date at the time of pick-up.

Apply here

Applying as:


Eligibility requirements:

  • 55 years of age or older, and;
  • Must provide proof of age with a valid Manitoban issued photo ID at time of pick up.

Apply here

Applying as:


Eligibility requirements:

Public or Indigenous School

  • Must have authorization from administration or principal to place an order.


Apply here

Independent School

  • Provide your independent school number.
  • Must have authorization from administration or principal to place an order.

Apply here


*Laptops with built in optical drives (CD drives)
is limited due to current stock. We unable to guarantee
that your request for a pre-installed CD drive will be fulfilled.*

  • Registered with the homeschooling office for the current school year.
  • Provide a valid Family Number (not MET number).

Apply here

Adult Learning & Literacy Centres

  • Listed in the Directory of Certified Adult Learning & Literacy Centres of Manitoba
  • Must have authorization from administration or principal to place an order



Apply here

Applying as:

Low Income Individual or Family

Eligibility requirements:


  • Provide proof of income.
  • Fall within the net income threshold.


Apply here


  • Provide number of dependents.
  • Provide proof of income.
  • Fall within the net income threshold.
    *if more than one adult is working, provide combined net income.

Apply here

Applying as:

Indigenous Community

Eligibility requirements:

  • You are one of the following:
    • Chief of Council or;
    • Council Member.

Apply here

Indigenous Individual

Eligibility requirements:

  • You have one of the following:
    • Valid First Nations status card or;
    • Valid Métis Citizenship Card.

Apply here

Applying as:

Non-Profit Organization or Charity

Eligibility requirements:

Non-Profit Organization or Charity

  • Provide one of the following:
    • Valid Charity Registration Number (number will end in RR0001 or RR0002).
    • Valid Company's Office Registration Number (Registry numbers are 9 digits in length and cannot begin with 1, 7, or 8).


Apply here


  • Must be governed under the Non-Profit Organization act or registered as a Non-Share Corp.
  • Provide one of the following:
    • Valid Business Number
    • Valid Company's Office Registration Number (Registry numbers are 9 digits in length and cannot begin with 1, 7, or 8).

Apply here

Please make sure to use the full legal name of the business.
i.e. We go by Computers for Schools Manitoba, but our legal business name is 3925260 Manitoba Association Inc.

Applying as:

Public Library

Eligibility requirements:

Apply here

Unite Interactive